Murcielagos = Bats

I will be studying bats!  

My advisor is currently in Africa studying bats over there, but I met with his wife today, who also studies bats.  I will be going to an area called Tirimbina which is in the northern part of Costa Rica.  I will be recording the ultrasonic sounds of the bats in a populated area and in an undeveloped forest area near by.  I will then analyze all of the sounds to identify the number of species in each area.  What I am trying to find out is if there are more species in the populated area or in the forest.

I will be studying insect eating bats.  Insects will be attracted to the lights in the town.  Will there be more bat species on the town following the bugs, or will there only be a small number that have generalized to be able to live in the city?  Hopefully in a few months I will be able to answer that!
Molossus sinaloae: these bats have been found in the roofs of the houses.
A is where I live now in Sabanilla, which is part of San Jose (the capital).  
B is where I will be studying the bats.


  1. yay. bats. do you feel my joy? do you have a mailing address?

  2. fun but I guess that means lots of late nights? I am so jealous...for real! Love you

  3. This sound like it would be a very interesting study.
