Bus Ride, Puppies, and Bat Recorders

On Saturday I took a three and a half hour bus ride (takes two hours if you go directly by car) to get to my new site.  The ride was beautiful even though it was a lot longer than I expected it to be (I had a book, it wasn't too much of a hardship).

Saturday, my host family's dog had 9 puppies! They are super cute.  Once it stops raining I will get some pictures for you.  It has been raining on and off since I got here, I've been told that this isn't normal though.  Any way they already had 4 dogs and when they took this one in to get spayed, they found out she was pregnant (oops...).

Today was my first day working with the bat recorders.  I skyped one of my advisor's students to learn how to program them and use them.  Using them is simple, it will be a lot harder when I get the data back and I have to analyze it.

A friend of my mine kept getting her project changed for one reason or another, but good news, she is now working at Tirimbina with me!  She will be studying opossums and tracking their movements.  She has the same advisor as me and he said I could go out with them and help catch them!

Sorry I haven't taken any pictures recently, but once I do you will be the first to see them.

1 comment:

  1. hi cuz - sounds like you've had better weeks....sorry for all the misinformation and endless travel.....i'd want to stay in one spot too.

    what you need is a pep talk - so go to this youtube link:

    this kid lives in TN in a small town between nashville and memphis. i find myself watching his pep talk about once a week and it always changes my day for the better...hope he makes you laugh :)

    BTW - GREAT JOB on the blog.....it's awesome...keep up the great effort!

