
I've decided that since I now have a nice camera I need to relearn how to use it. (Its been 3 years since my last photo class in high school and I have forgotten everything.)  So I decided what better place to figure it out than in Costa Rica where there are all kinds of beautiful things to take pictures of.  So none of the following pictures were taken on automatic (I may have taken a lot of each before I got it right, but I finally did it!) Sorry a lot of them are so dark, it was raining on and off during this adventure.

spider's web
I found out that people white water raft on the river that I cross every day.
If you look in the background there is a long green straight line.  That is one of the bridges.
leaf cutter ants- they carry the leaves back to their nest in order to grow fungus which they eat
leaf cutter ants
leaf cutter ants

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