I only have about 1 week left in this beautiful country. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by and as much as I love it here and don't want to leave I am ready to go home and see everyone I love and eat something other than rice and beans. (I do plan on eating more rice and beans at home than I did before, but that's easy because I never at rice and beans before.)
This past week and this coming week are just finishing up with all of my school work (spanish final, research paper and presentation), saying goodbye to everyone and of course packing.
I'm hoping to get in a few more trips to San José for some cultural experiences. On Wednesday I was able to go to the Costa Rican Art Museum with a friend of mine and we were proud of ourselves for having figured out how to get there. We had to take two buses to a new part of San José that we hadn't been to before. It was worth the trip.

This is the back of the building. In the 1930's and 40's it used to be the international airport.

There were quotes from the different artists painted on the walls. This was one of my favorites. "The time passes, the live experiences stay behind, the art nourishes; the ideas, the materials and design utensils are left to guide."

Along with quotations from the artists there were also photos of them working on the pieces in the museum.
The piece in the picture above. There was a poem on it braille that was painted on the wall in the background.
There were a number of large, curvy women. There is one of these in downtown San José made out of metal and it is good luck to rub her but.
This whole room was covered in this mural that showed the history of Costa Rica. This was the room for the dignitaries.
I just thought this one was cool. Its called "Mind Games" and looked like it was made out of tinfoil.