Great Weekend

Ok so most of the weekend was great, except that the rest of the puppies got eaten by a snake :(.

Here are pictures of the 4 dogs. The second one is the mom (black), the third (white) is the one with distemper who seemed to be doing pretty well this weekend.  He has some paralysis of the lower joints in his back legs and his head tilts but he was up and walking around and looking for attention.
This one we gave a bath to on Sun. I haven't really gotten that close to her because she smelt really bad, but when we were giving her a bath I realized that she is covered with matts and she had all kinds of bugs and ticks on her.  The plan is to give her a little bit of haircut today and she will be like a new dog!

I just want to clarify that they love all of their dogs and do do their best to take care of them but with three daughters and four dogs and both parents working full time the dogs cleanliness is not the first priority.

So on Saturday I just hung out and read and spent a lot of time talking to Stephany and Sol (the younger two daughters).  After only a week I feel more comfortable spending time with this family than I did with my San Jose family after a month.  Then on Sunday we went to church in the morning and then to the grandmother's house for lunch.  I met a lot of the family and they are all so nice and really wanted to get to know me.  It felt great to be included like that.  We had sun for almost the whole day on Sunday and today looks to be pretty good as well.  I'm going to have to pull out my sunblock again :)

Here is the inside of the recorder in case you are curious.  I was practicing with it this weekend to get some data.  I found a program that works on my computer, its made for bird recordings though so I'm doing my best to get it to work for bats.  My fingers are still crossed.  Good news though, I talked to my advisor about it this morning and he said that if this one doesn't work he will find a PC for me to use here!  I won't have to go back and forth to San Jose!

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