I want to stay in one spot.

On Tuesday I helped Dani calibrate the tracking device for the opossums.  They are going to be attaching a radio collar to a woolly opossum and will track its movements during the night to understand its home range.

Then I drove back to San José with my advisor (2 hour drive) in order to learn how to use the computer program that I need to analyze the bat calls.  One of his students (he is also a professor at the University of Costa Rica) is doing her thesis on something very similar to my project but she recently had surgery on her ankle so couldn't come out to me.  (I don't know why I couldn't have met with her before I left San José.)
My advisors' bumper sticker (I <3 bats, you.  Everyone help us!)

Then I found out that the program only works on a PC...  My advisor wants me to come back to San José every week to do analysis for a couple days and then go back to my study site.  I'm trying to find another program that I can get for free on my computer.

I stayed at my advisor's house Tues and Wed night and it is a beautiful house.  It is outside San José up in the mountains and the whole back of the house is glass so you can see out over the city. The views are spectacular, if only you didn't have to drive up a dirt road and put your jeep into 4 wheel drive to get up your driveway.
The view from his house (sorry its blurry)
The bus didn't leave tilt 1pm so I spent Thurs doing nothing in San José and then took a 3.5 hours bus ride back to my site.  I want to stay in one place for an extended period of time.  I was supposed to put the recorders out last Monday, now I won't be putting them out until next Monday. I wasted an entire week.  Hopefully everything will work out.
My lunch was great at least.

So its still raining so I haven't been able to get puppy pictures, but now there are only 5 (the mom ate 4).  Also, another of their dogs has distemper (he is only about 7 months old) and the vet said he only has a few days to live.  Its been a long week, at least it is finally the weekend.

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