First Day of Class

Yesterday was the first day going to school at the ACM (associated colleges of the midwest).  My host Mom showed me how to take the bus to school and I managed to do it by myself today!  Ok so I wasn't totally by myself, there are two other people who live a few houses in either direction of me that I took the bus with, but we all made it to school this morning with out help from our host mom's!

So far school is going well, a little hard, but not that much work.  I was supposed to meet my advisor today to learn about my research project but he is out of the country.  I talked to the director and I may end up switching advisors if this one doesn't have time.  I should find out tomorrow and will keep you posted.  This advisor studies bats, but the director mentioned that if the bats don't work the next possibility is sloths or insects or horses or dogs or something else...

Yesterday I got burnt enjoying the view from behind the building where school is, but it was worth it.  (Thanks Mom for the aloe.)

This is the view.  The part with all of the vines and the pink flowers is the wall around the backyard of the school.
This is where I was sitting with my class.  There are 15 of us, 3 men and 12 women.
This is the back of the building, the front is darker orangy color. 
The director of the program lives on a farm and brings bananas and other wonderful fruits, that I can't remember or pronounce the names, for us to eat.  These are the best bananas I have every had.  They are kept in a cage to keep the birds away from them.
Some of the beautiful flowers at the school.
 Luna, the two month old puppy that lives with my host family!  She is teething and loves shoes.

P.S Sorry there are only pictures from my school and inside the house it isn't very safe to carry my camera around the city where people can see it, apparently people will even take your phone out of your hand while you are talking on walking down the street.  Everything is just a beautiful outside of the walls are they are inside.

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