I made it to Costa Rica!

I made it to Costa Rica, not that there was a question that I wouldn't make it, but I am here now!  So far what I have seen of the country is beautiful and amazing and that was just the drive from the airport to my host family's house.

Highlight of the day: Originally I thought my host family didn't have any pets, but last week they got a two month old puppy who is supper cute!  I think she is a mini schnauzer, basically a tiny little gray thing.  I will have my much needed puppy fix all the time!

Downside of the day: I am realizing how little Spanish I actually learned in school so I'm having a hard time speaking it, but understanding it is luckily not as hard.  My host family is very understanding and always willing to explain.
Some of my goals for this trip are to become more comfortable and more fluent with Spanish and to have a dream in Spanish. Those are both very much in reach!

I didn't want to be the annoying tourist hidden behind a camera today, but there will definitely be pictures soon.

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