Part 1: Sloths

Today and yesterday were amazing and we did so much that I am going to split it up into multiple parts.  Between today and yesterday, I took 470 pictures!

We went to a cocoa farm, where over 300 sloths live and are studied.  We got to see three (2 three-toed sloths and 1 two-toed).

Sloth number 1: about 2 year old, female, 3-toed.  She looks cute and cuddly, but was growling at us the entire time.
The greenish tint is from moss that grows on them.
They get weighed and measured.  This one tried to climb the scale. 
The blue tie is so she won't get caught again, then she was released.

Sloth number 2: A 5-6 year old male, the yellow line down the back indicates a male, 3-toed
He was already caught by the time we saw him.
Three toes!
He didn't want to get back in the bag so we could hold him.
Jenny, she really identified with the sloth :)
Then he got carried back to his tree in the bag.
 Sloth number 3: 10 year old male named Byron, 2-toed
Up next: how to make chocolate from cocoa beans!

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