San Jose and Manuel Antonio

On Friday we went on a walking tour of San Jose, which is a really pretty city.  There are a number of little parks every where.  The architecture is really interesting, a number of the buildings are modeled after buildings in Europe.  Did you know that San Jose was the third city in the world to have electricity?

Then 12.5 (one person was only there for half of the time) of us went to Manuel Antonio, which is a national park on the pacific coast.  It took us about 3 hours by bus to get there from San Jose and we stayed in a hostel Friday and Saturday night and came back Sunday afternoon.  On Saturday night as we were waking back from dinner we saw a baby sloth crawling along the telephone line to cross the street, it was one of the cutest things I have ever seen.  After a nice relaxing weekend with little sleep, (who can sleep in when there is so much exploring to do?) I am ready for another week!

San Jose
These are cork trees and they actually feel like cork does.
Pigeons are in every city
An indoor market.
San Jose is in a valley so you can see mountains in all directions.
the hostel- the open room was where we all stayed
Manuel Antonio National Park
the hostel
the hostel
Little shelled creatures make all of these lines in the sand
Hattie, Michael, and Emma
Margo, Maggie, Lauren, and Brandy 
This pelican was fishing while we walked along the beach.
Tide pools
Raccoons and monkeys try and steal you food and belongings.  This one was going for some bananas in the backpack.
Hanging out at the hostel
Lauren, Emma, Skye, Hattie
Beautiful sunset
Passing the time before the bus.
Maggie made a friend at the bus stop.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures Amanda. We went to Manuel Antonio park as well. I agree it is AMAZING!
