Rio Sarapiqui

There is this really rare bird called a Great Potoo, it looks kinda like an owl and its call sounds like a bark.  Any way, there is one that lives on the way to my host sister's school so we all went to look at.  My bird loving host parents were really excited, so I guess it was a really big deal.
I didn't have a zoom lens with my, but here it is.
This saturday we went and spend the day with my host dad's family.  He is one of 12 and I was told that there are 18 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.  I only met about half of the family.  A bunch of them all live on the same street with the parents so people just wander from house to house.  They all live near the river so we all went down to cool off and have some fun.
Sol and Stephany all ready for the water.
One of the cousins jumping into the water.
Someone's dog, his name is Tigre (tiger in Spanish).
Heart shaped rock
What kind of picnic would it have been without fresh, hot coffee?
Tracks from an iguana
There were a ton of birds that my host dad pointed out to me.  I don't remember their names, but here are some pictures.

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