The Secret Garden

I think I've found Frances Hodgson Burnett's secret garden.  It's not actually in England, it's in Costa Rica at Tirimbina Biological Reserve.  
There are magical looking benches.
Roots that aren't in the ground
Grasshopper that looks like moss.
A lot of toads
Some birds stare at you
Some birds try to hide from you
(just to clarify this is a toucan, in another post I accidentally labled it as a macaw)

Ducks have red eyes and yellow beaks
Shadows that look the leaves have fallen on the path
And so much more.  You will have to come visit to find out for yourself.  Unfortunately I'm leaving this magical place on Saturday, but I hope to return.
I got to hold a baby armadillo before I left!  One of the people who work here found it alone in the forest so my advisor took it with him to San José in the hopes of saving its life.

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