Second Trip to Arenal Volcano

On Friday, my host mom asked for the day off from work, took my younger sister out of school and off we went early in the morning to go see the Arenal Volcano.  We all had our fingers crossed that the weather would stay nice.  (I'm not sure if fingers crossed is a saying in Costa Rica or not cause I found out that it's not bad luck to open an umbrella inside, and the number 13 isn't unlucky either.)  But anyway, luck was finally with us on this trip.  The volcano was partly covered when we first got there but as the day went on the clouds cleared and we got to see the entire volcano!  A great last day with my family.
When we first go there.
There was a snake in the path that looked at us and moved out of the way.
Look how long it was.  We saw it shortly after my host mom had told us to be careful cause there are poisonous yellow snakes here. 
The beautiful Arenal Lake which is a man made lake for hydroelectricity.  An entire town was moved to make this lake. 
My host mom and sister are wearing the CC hats I gave them!
We climbed up the volcano!  We actually weren't that close cause it is an active volcano and that would have been dangerous.
The white part at the top of the volcano was the gas from the volcano, not a passing cloud.
There are two points, the eruptions happen from the shorter one. This is the only volcano in Costa Rica that has a point at the top.
I'm now back in San José for the last month of my stay in Costa Rica.  It was sad to leave that host family, but I'm excited for all the adventures I will have while in San José and I hope to come back and see them some day.

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